Friday, March 16, 2012


Today for breakfast I had a bowl of oatmeal mixed with gatorA's chocolate whey protein powder, a glass of milk with some of gatorA's muscle milk powder, a toast sandwich with peanut butter and bananas, and an apple and banana on the side.  I was pretty full and energized, so I cleaned the apartment from top to bottom.

I decided to test myself against the fitness recommendations for the Mud Warrior.  Here's how I did:

Pushups: 15 [Goal 30]
Situps: 76 [Goal 75]
Lunges: 35 (each leg) [Goal 35]
Squats: 70 [Goal 40]
Pull ups: I can't do any :( [Goal 5]
Run: 1.5 miles in 18 minutes on a trail near our apartment
100 meter wind spints: [didn't do these today]
Planks for 30 seconds: 5 [Goal 3]

Needless to say, my lower body is a lot stronger than my upper body (probably due to all the focus I put on my butt during my workouts).  When gatorA gets home from work, we're going to hit the gym, and I'll do some treadmill and upper body work.  T-minus 4 weeks to the race!

Here's what I've made for lunch:

That's a pita pocket sandwich with red pepper hummus, cucumbers, salami and ham.  Carrots, pickles, and Clementine on the side.  GatorA just got home and wants to go for a run, so I'm sticking this plate in the fridge for when we get back.

Then it's time for UF vs UVA basketball!

Here's to a good start to the day :)

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